One of the different metrics that Barfield uses to measure the health of the aviation industry is tracking the number of passengers throughput from the Transport Security Administration- TSA. TSA has created a table that records the number of Total Traveler Throughput daily for 2020 and 2019. Given the importance of this information for the aviation industry, our analytics team used TSA information to create a better, user-friendly dashboard, making it helpful for analysis.
Explanation of tables and charts:
The TSA dashboard has the ability to filter by date ( middle section in blue – Select Date Range). The information displayed at the top is the total number of passengers. At the bottom left is the total number of passengers on a logarithmic scale, which provides a better comparison of how the data is trending between years. This is in consideration of the large gap when comparing before and after COVID. At the bottom right is the total amount per year and ratio of total passengers between the two years.
The data filter section updates all tables simultaneously.
Try interacting with the TSA dashboard below. Click on the bottom right arrow to expand.
Dashboard of Traveler Throughput as per TSA
As aviation continuous to recover, our analytics team is interested to learn what other key metrics are the different companies in aviation tracking.
Our team will try to update this chart as often as possible.
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